ATV REGISTRATION AND DATE OF EXPIRATION An ATV must be registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) if it is operated anywhere in New York State, including on the owner's property. When you register a new or used ATV for the first time, your registration will expire each year on August 31. Registrations for ATVs originally registered before April 1, 2005, will continue to expire each year on April 30.
INSURANCE You may not operate any ATV anywhere in New York State, except on your own property, unless it is covered by liability insurance. Minimum required coverage is $50,000/$100,000 for death, $25,000/$50,000 for injury, and $10,000 for property damage in any one accident. You must show proof of this insurance upon the request of a judge, the police, or a person claiming to have suffered injury or property damage from your operation of the ATV.
WHO MAY OPERATE AN ATV You do not need a driver license to operate an ATV in New York State, but certain restrictions apply to operators under age 16. If you are age 10 through age 15, you may operate an ATV only: Under adult supervision; or, Without adult supervision on lands owned or leased by your parent or guardian; or, On any lands where ATV use is permitted, without adult supervision, if you have completed an ATV safety training course approved by the DMV. You should carry your course completion certificate when operating any ATV. If you are under age 10, you may operate an ATV only: Under adult supervision; or, Without adult supervision on lands owned or leased by your parent or guardian. Adult Supervision means being accompanied by a person at least 18 years of age, or a person 16 or 17 years of age who holds an ATV safety course completion certificate from an approved safety course provider.
SAFETY TRAINING AND INFORMATION ATV safety training courses approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles are available throughout the state. Telephone 1-800-887-2887 to enroll, or write to: ATV Safety Institute, Enrollment Express, 2 Jenner Street, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92618-3806 ATV safety information also is available on the internet at Written questions about New York State's ATV or motorcycle safety programs should be addressed through the DMV web site or by mail: NYS DMV Motorcycle Safety Program 6 Empire State Plaza, Room 335 Albany, New York 12228
RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS AND OWNERS A parent or guardian may not knowingly permit or authorize a child under age 16 to operate an ATV in violation of state or local laws. An ATV owner, or another person in possession of an ATV, may not knowingly permit or authorize any person under age 16 to operate an ATV in violation of any state or local law. Both the owner and the operator of an ATV may be held liable for injury and/or damages resulting from an ATV accident.
WHERE AND WHEN TO DRIVE ACROSS HIGHWAYS DMV recommends you avoid crossing a highway unless absolutely necessary. If you cross, you must follow these rules: You must cross at an angle of approximately 90 degrees, at a place where there are no obstructions to prevent a quick, safe crossing. You must come to a complete stop and yield the right-of-way to traffic on the highway before crossing. You may cross a divided highway only where it intersects with another street or highway. You may not cross an interstate highway or any controlled-access highway, such as the Thruway or a parkway at any time.
ON HIGHWAYS You may not operate an ATV on a highway unless it has been designated and posted for ATV use by the state or local authority. Usually, only the part of a highway between two off-highway trails will be posted for ATV use. Check with local police to be sure. DMV recommends that you turn your headlight and taillight on and wear bright, reflective clothing whenever you ride on a highway. Always enter the highway with care, and yield to other traffic. ON PUBLIC LAND You may not operate an ATV on public land unless it is specifically designated for ATV use, and it is allowed by a posted sign. ON PRIVATE LAND To operate an ATV on private land, you must have permission of the land owner or lessee. If you receive permission, make sure you know the boundaries of the property, and respect any special restrictions or requests of the land owner. You could lose permission to ride on private land by littering, causing damage, or riding carelessly.
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT Whether you are the operator or passenger, you must wear a USDOT-approved helmet when riding an ATV. DMV recommends that you also wear a face shield or goggles, and protective clothes and footwear. Your ATV must have the following equipment: Brakes in good condition A muffler which is in good operating condition and meets federal standards A spark arrester approved by the U.S. Forest Service Tires with at least 2/32nds of an inch tread without visible breaks, cuts, exposed cords, bumps or bulges A lighted white headlight and red taillight if the ATV is driven at night The law requires you to keep the ATV's headlight and taillight lighted when riding a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise. For greater safety, DMV recommends you keep the lights on at all times.
YOU MAY NEVER OPERATE AN ATV Other than while seated on the permanent, regular seat. With a passenger, unless the ATV is designed to carry a passenger. At a speed too fast for existing conditions or potential hazards. In a careless, reckless or negligent manner. While intoxicated or impaired by alcohol or drugs. On the tracks or right-of-way of a railroad. On a highway, if the ATV is equipped with studded tires other than automobile-type studs. In a tree nursery or planting in a manner which damages or destroys growing stock or creates a substantial risk of damage or destruction. Within 100 feet of a dwelling between midnight and 6 A.M. at a speed greater than necessary to keep the ATV moving. While pulling a person on skis, a toboggan, sleigh, sled or trailer, unless the device is attached to the ATV by a tow-bar or other rigid connection. On the ice or public water within 100 feet of a person, fishing shanty or shelter at a speed greater than necessary to keep the ATV moving. Over an area cleared of snow for skating, unless necessary for access to public waters.
LOCAL LAWS No locality may require its own ATV licenses or registrations, but it may impose additional restrictions or rules on ATV operation. Find out about special ATV rules in your area, and obey them.
ATV ACCIDENTS If you are involved in an accident with your ATV, you must give your name and address, the name and address of the ATV owner and the plate number to injured persons, the owners of damaged property, and/or the police. You also must show proof of insurance to persons claiming to have suffered injury or damage. If property is damaged, and you cannot locate the owner, you must give the above information to police as soon as possible. You must immediately report to the police any accident that involves death, personal injury or damage estimated at $600 or more to the property of any one person. You must also file a Report of Motor Vehicle Accident (MV-104) with the Department of Motor Vehicles about an accident that results in a fatality, personal injury, or property damage estimated at $1,000 or more. You must file the report within 10 days of the accident and send a copy to the county sheriff or police commissioner. If you are incapacitated, the written report may be filed by another party familiar with the accident. The investigating police officer must also file a written report, but that does not relieve you of your legal responsibility to file one. Failure to report an accident is a misdemeanor. A conviction may result in suspension or revocation of your safety training certificate and/or the ATV registration. The Department of Motor Vehicles may suspend your safety training certificate and/or the ATV registration until you file an acceptable written report.
Scooters and Requirements
The class is determined by the range of the vehicle's top speed.
What is considered a limited use motorcycle (aka ‘moped’)?
New York law defines limited use motorcycles, which are commonly called "mopeds" or "motor scooters", as "limited use vehicles with two or three wheels."
Are there any special requirements to operate a limited use motorcycle (moped) in New York?
The requirements to operate a moped are like those for motorcycles. You must have a driver license and register your moped to drive it on streets and highways. There are exceptions to these requirements listed in the table below. You can never operate a moped down a sidewalk.
The DMV classifies a moped as a Class A, Class B or Class C limited use motorcycle according to its top speed. Only a certified model of limited use motorcycle can get a registration in New York State (only the manufacturer can certify a moped). REQUIRED?
Driver license / permit M/MJ 1
Registration required
Headlight on when operating required
Helmet & eye protection required
Insurance required
Inspection required
Title not required
May operate on any traffic lane
Driver license / permit any license class 2
Registration required
Headlight on when operating required
Helmet & eye protection required
Insurance required
Inspection required
Title not required
May operate on right-hand lane or shoulder only 4
Driver license / permit any license class 3
Registration required
Headlight on when operating required
Helmet & eye protection recommended
Insurance recommended 6
Inspection recommended
Title not required
May operate on right-hand lane or shoulder only 5
1 Learner permit restrictions apply to all permit classes. Junior operator restrictions apply to class DJ and MJ permits and driver licenses. See information about the Graduated License Law.
2 Learner permit restrictions apply to all permit classes. Junior operator restrictions apply to class DJ and MJ permits and driver licenses. See information about the Graduated License Law.
3 Learner permit restrictions apply to all permit classes. Junior operator restrictions apply to class DJ and MJ permits and driver licenses. See information about the Graduated License Law.
4 Except when making a left turn.
5 Except when making a left turn.
6 Class C moped used as a rental vehicle must be insured.
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